Foundation’s Certified Carbonfree products have fully neutralized CO2 emissions, meaning brands like Evol measure the carbon footprint of the products over their full lifecycle, cradle-to-grave – from ingredient sourcing and packaging, to product manufacturing, distribution, and consumer use and end of life – and invest in projects that remove an equal amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Several Evol products, including all of our Carbon Neutral products, are produced in a TRUE Certified Zero Waste production facility; meaning that our facilities have diverted an average of 90% or greater waste from landfills or other waste reductions in the last 12 months.
Getting certified to SFI is one of the best things that organizations can do to support the long-term sustainability of forests and ensure the multitude of benefits that forests provide for future generations. All SFI Standards require third-party independent certification audits by competent and accredited certification bodies.
Sustainable food packaging has been a focus of ours for a while now. Our serving bowls are 90% plastic-free, which lowered the carbon footprint of our packaging by nearly 80%, and all of our paperboard cartons are recyclable.